Fish & Game - Manuka Island

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Fish & Game / Contact Energy

IMG 20200618 163127

Mata au – Clutha river

Finding a balance between conservation and recreation as well as mitigating the environmental effects of hydro power is critical to improving water quality and creating a habitat where both native fish species and trout can thrive.

Bringing opportunities to the Clutha region for generations to come.   

Habitat restorations Aotearoa have been contracted by the Otago Fish and Game Council in partnership with Contact energy and private landowners  to restore these riparian habitats.
DOC has surveyed the waterways in the Clutha catchment for native fish populations including tuna (eel), kanakana (lamprey), kokupu and inanga (whitebait) and based on this determined which areas of the catchment would benefit most from riparian planting.

This site holds strong recreational values and opportunities and the planting of native tree and shrub species which will act as a natural filter for sediment, E. coli, nitrates and phosphates before they enter waterways. As well as providing shade/ habitat for fish, improving water quality and creating a healthy ecosystem for fish life.

HRA conducted site preparation, planting, plant guarding and ongoing maintenance to establish plantings. There is scope to carry out further work to control willows.